The much-awaited streaming cop action thriller Indian Police Force has finally arrived on Amazon Prime Video after months of buzz and speculation. Helmed by ace Bollywood director Rohit Shetty, known for his trademark high-octane action blockbusters, this series aims to bring that signature style to the digital space with flair. Does Indian Police Force live up to its promise and hype as an exhilarating web series? Let’s dive into the review.
Gripping Storyline and Plot
The series follows DCP Kabir Malik (Sidharth Malhotra) of the Delhi Police Special Cell as he investigates a series of bomb blasts executed in the city by an Indian Mujahideen terrorist named Zarar (Mayyank Taandon). Teaming up with senior officer Vikram Bakshi (Vivek Oberoi) and Gujarat ATS Chief Tara Shetty (Shilpa Shetty), Kabir races against time to uncover Zarar’s plots for more attacks and stop him.
This cat-and-mouse chase forms the core plot, which manages to grip viewers through numerous twists. The story navigates interesting themes of terrorism, corruption, loss and morality. The cops aren’t depicted as clean superheroes, but flawed everyday heroes who struggle with red tape and family issues. The villains also get dimensionalized. The writing is taut, well-paced across 7 half-hour episodes, and keeps you invested.
Engaging Performances
DCP Kabir Malik is a tailor-made role for Sidharth Malhotra to portray the brooding, simmering intensity and determination of a cop obsessed with his mission. He brings the perfect balance of heroic machismo and vulnerability. Vivek Oberoi aptly captures both the warmth and upright steadfastness of his mentor character Vikram.
Shilpa Shetty Sunkrada excels as the headstrong Gujarat ATS chief Tara, portraying her sharp authority with flair. Mayyank Taandon does justice to the menacing cold-blooded nature of the antagonist Zarar. The supporting cast comprising of Nikitin Dheer, Isha Talwar, Shweta Tiwari and more are aptly cast and deliver sincere performances. The confrontations between the lead trio and their journeys are enacted with sophistication.
Slick Production Values
Being budgeted at around ₹100 crore, no expenses have been spared to give Indian Police Force a slick, polished look in line with Shetty’s big-screen cop films. The cinematography, editing, art design and VFX are top-notch with capture picturesque locales across Delhi, Jaipur, Goa and international sites beautifully.
The series production quality rivals the best Indian web shows out there. From the coloring tones to add dramatic mood to the sharp editing that keeps the pacing taut, the technical aspects complement the storytelling perfectly. The value added is clear on screen through the framing, camerawork and aesthetics.
Signature High-Octane Action
With Rohit Shetty in the director’s chair, the action sequences are guaranteed to be a visceral adrenaline pumping spectacle. The action set-pieces here proudly carry his stamp – cars flying in the air, powerful explosions, bullets firing from all directions and high-speed chases through crowded bazaars.
The major action scenes shot across Delhi, Jaipur and Goa boast of scale, choreography and budgets rivaling blockbuster films. Right from the opening encounter where Vikram tragically dies to the final confrontation, the action has a distinctive larger-than-life Shetty flair. Fans of masala action will find the series’ thrilling sequences to be a worthy feast.
Realistic Portrayal of Law Enforcement
Unlike common masala action titles, Indian Police Force strives for realism in its portrayal of Indian law enforcement. The diligent step-by-step investigating approach, reliance on ground informants for leads, jurisdictional bureaucracy between agencies like ATS, Special Cell and RAW, political pressure and red tape are all depicted with an even hand. The difficulties of balancing their tough jobs with family life also get highlighted.
The writing humanizes the cops and shows the gray areas they operate in. Things don’t always go as planned, like Vikram’s death during the botched encounter. The series provides a reasonably authentic peek into the human costs and ground realities of policing in India beyond the valour.
Few Drawbacks
The series isn’t without its share of drawbacks. Given its limited 7-episode half-hour runtime, the character development feels a bit rushed and shallow beyond the main leads. The plot also takes predictable turns at times where you can foresee some of the upcoming twists.
The storytelling sticks firmly to conventions of the cop action genre without trying anything radically inventive. It would benefit from more innovative angles and experimental storytelling choices. Nonetheless, it executes the classic tropes efficiently.
To conclude, Indian Police Force succeeds as a slick and engrossing cop action thriller series tailored for streaming audiences. Backed by Rohit Shetty’s flair for commercial cinema, it delivers solid doses of adrenaline-fuelled action, an absorbing plot performed by a talented cast, and high production values.
The series sticks to the conventions of the genre, but executes them skilfully through its taut screenplay, realistic action set-pieces and insightful peek into law enforcement. Made on a lavish budget that reflects in its visual aesthetic, Indian Police Force production design brings a film-like finesse.
The performances are constraining despite limitations of character depth. For fans of classic cop dramas with thrills, spills and heroic bravado, this series presents an engaging option worth tuning into. The series establishes Rohit Shetty as a director who can transition his explosive brand of commercial action cinema to streaming successfully.